Jul 6Liked by Julie Dee

You articulate so well, exactly how I feel and view it.

I was a 'don't vote, it only encourages them' person before Nigel Farage entered the fray. At which point I KNEW that he would get millions of votes and few seats and I KNEW he would then champion the cause of PR. It's what I meant when I commented here, before the election, about voting Reform to get a fairer system. Nigel Farage spent 25 years of his life getting us out of the EU. I believe his character is such that he will spend the next 25 years (if necessary!) getting us a fairer voting system. He is a conviction politician, not a Davos puppet, and there are hardly any of the former in Westminster.

So have Hope, Mother 😄

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That’s an interesting reason for voting for Farage and yes, I get that.

I don’t trust him but the massive holes in the voting system have certainly been highlighted by him and his party. That is one win we can all take from this.

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Jul 6Liked by Julie Dee

There always needs to be catalyst for change to happen. This election is a catalyst.

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I’d like to hope so but this has been said many, many other times. We will see, hey? :)

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Jul 7Liked by Julie Dee

True but is an election ever a catalyst for change, really?

Perhaps for those who didn't vote because there was nothing really to vote for are now pondering ...what now? That question could be a catalyst in itself. Of course it carries with it the loss of hope. Which is brutal but maybe our hopes were attached to the wrong object/person. Then comes the challenge to resist the pessimism that follows. but maybe just maybe the failure of political systems to servants to humanity will inspire us to ask what would work for us all.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7Author

I feel (weirdly) positive. Not because of the party that ‘won’ but because for me the win was the low turn out, 8% lower than last time and in my own area 10%. That was what I personally wanted from it, for people to see it as the sham I also see it as.There must come a point when the results not only hold no authority but everyone sees and admits that. Once the turn out dips below 50% (and I think it was 60%) then that must hold some significance to all who are aware of that fact. It’s at that point that necessity will indeed become the mother of invention and there will be new and interesting ideas spawned.

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Jul 7Liked by Julie Dee

Very good point. Kinda what I was fumbling to say. Let go , let come.

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Jul 6Liked by Julie Dee

Amusing to observe though as people will see it for what it is. And they have to see it for what it is to want to change the whole system. So well articulated Julie.

17% of the vote gets 4 seats, 36% of the vote gets 400+ seats and that’s if the actual voting isn’t tampered with - as it has been mostly tampered with in the past and probably now too but I’m sure for benevolent reasons this time to help people see the system for what it is.

Much love to everyone going through this metamorphosis of change. 💖

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Indeed. And ‘tactical’ voting plays a huge part too.

Love to you too - and strength. We’ll all need it! Xx

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Selections and not elections. In magic it’s called an Equivoque . You’re shown a deck of cards and you can choose one. You think you have a free choice? You don’t. It was pre-selected for you.

Great essay Julie, I’m in love with your wonderful sense of humor only you can deliver. ✨💖✨😍

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Thank you.

Well you more than anyone know the world’s a stage hey?

You guys have all this to come again soon😂🙄😂

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Popcorn’s ready for the Greatest Show on Earth! 🪄✨✨✨🍿 The clowns are my favorite part!


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100% bonkers and look at us? 400 million people in the U.S. and we get Weekend At Bernie's, day one, and to their horror, the risen Apprentice guy they couldn't kill or jail for life.

No one decent wants to sign up for the game of thrones. So we get the worst. 🤮

Now RFK has chosen a rich young lawyer environmental activist (shocker) who is the ex-wife of Google's founder. Don't trust it at all. I like his anti-vax/choice stance.

We get life lessons is what we get. Kinda tired of it 😩 but just keep doing you and keep the faith. ox

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“The risen Apprentice guy they couldn't kill or jail for life.” 😂😂😂 You have to use that in something some time 😂😂

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Jesus. Julie. 😭😭😭


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I should totally use that 🥸

Everything is a joke. Glad my dad doesn't have to say "bloody unbelievable" anymore.

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Jul 7Liked by Julie Dee

“Keir appeared sheepish, like he’d found a fiver on the floor in a shop and his conscience was pressing him to hand it in” - brilliant!! You’ve expressed whats going on here to perfection x

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Cheers. I’d say ‘a tenner’ but state of our country atm, like…..😂😂

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Julie, not a Brit except by ancestry but fascinating stuff! First, LOVE Daft Punk!! Odd eccentrics to perfection. Politics is a subject people either love or hate. I am glad Nigel Farage is back in, as he is a good wrench thrown in to the gears and I hope his Reform party grows. In the USA, I am an Independent voter, no party affiliation and I study and keep watch on the deep currents. Few things more passionate to people than politics! I do care deeply for Great Britain and pray for their survival as a culture and nation. WEW

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Yes I have no affiliation and just observe. Reform certainly shake up the bag and obviously much of Europe is heading into more right wing territory. But for now we have the so called left allegedly in charge.


Yes it will all be coming your way soon, all the shenanigans….

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Julie, already here! I am a former Leftist from my youth, enraged and sorrowful over my brother Tom being killed in Vietnam in 1968. I aimed my anger for a long time. After many bad years of also fleeing from God, I met the lovely brick wall with my name on it... and slowly began to return to my Conservative roots. I am definitely on the Right but I appreciate dialogue, as we all should not be foes! W.E. W.

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Jul 6Liked by Julie Dee

Loved your post Julie wish I could write such sense as you and others but I can’t but I am passionate about reform and we were robbed how do they manage it …he’s a fraud and he knows it ..he’s not liked by many but hey would I like the job no way good luck to him and his merry band hope karma visits soon love to you and all Julie xxx

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Yes, we will all have a slightly different (or very different) view on events. The important things is that we continue to listen to and engage with each other.

Whatever anyone’s views on any individual party, the fact remains that nobody is really happy with how it played out. Even the ‘winners’ know their win was secured on the back of fear of other parties and chaos, that must bite.

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We are winners Julie 🦋 we are alive.Have a good day,thanks for your note👏🐦

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Love to you and enjoy your day xx

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Jul 6Liked by Julie Dee

The result of the faux democratic offering was a done deal; we knew what was coming. But later in the day, as one by one the announcement of his cabinet and hangers on came through, my heart sank further and further. The reality. It was almost like a series of gut punches; visceral. Like when you predict the end of a thriller early on but still can’t believe the author would dream up such evil. The announcement of such a rag bag set of puppets is clear confirmation to me that it doesn’t matter who’s in the job, the endgame will be what the real puppeteers want. It’s all a ghastly joke on us. They despise us and are laughing at us. Interesting times ahead. You help us keep a sense of proportion Julie (GeoffCapes😆) don’t ever stop.

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You articulate it well Janette.

But humour is our tool and we must use it. Be an example of the changes we want to see and try to laugh whilst making it clear it’s the darkest ‘comedy’ ever.

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Jul 6Liked by Julie Dee

As shit as it all is, you’ve cheered my Saturday morning with your Blue Nun and Geoff Capes references.

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I actually wanted to get Geoff Capes budgies in there too - he was mad about them, wasn’t he? Tie it in with Boris’s pseudo free bird libertarianism. Another time 😂

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Jul 6Liked by Julie Dee

You’ll be working in a Lynyrd Skynyrd reference at that rate!

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Next time 😂😂

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