Feb 4Liked by Julie Dee

Lovely Julie. Please be sure that folks are thinking about you and will be happy to hear from you again in the future. Don’t leave us for too long. Xx

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Feb 4Liked by Julie Dee

Sorry to hear you’ve been struggling to write. Thank you for sharing a beautiful poem. The ponderous nature of the petals is something I wouldn’t have noticed.

I hope your break eventually brings more signs of Spring. Hope Springs Eternal, and you are the mother of it.

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.. never seen such a carpet of ‘SnowDrops’ ! Amazing Image ! Go Spring !

Read your subsequent ‘meme’ related message first actually ! Then opened this one.. I’m here now & that makes perfect sense ! Mucho needed too.. the lovely & elegant snowdrops !

But the ‘meme’ message is a fierce war cry .. amen ! And need another read .. a good slow long reread.. liked it a ton first read btw .. 🦎🏴‍☠️

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Thank you. I took this picture up near where by mum lives at Sewerby Hall and Gardens (East Yorkshire) where they have a huge display of snowdrops every year.

I’m guessing you mean my most up to date post about memes.

Yeah my posts are a mixed bag, I just go with mood, but great to see you here and I appreciate your comments.:)

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Beautiful poem about the snow drops.Thanks.I hope you feel better soon.

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I do thank you. It’s funny how as soon as you say “ I can’t write anything at the moment”, it’s like a spell breaks and you write again and then feel a bit stupid 😂😂

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Julie, I have been in the same space for the past week or so, struggling to write. Seeking quiet, feeling like everything was too much, needing a break. I think we all go through this from time to time. I am glad you are honoring your needs and taking what ever time you need. Peace and blessings to you!

I love your snow drops poem and photos.

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Feb 4Liked by Julie Dee

Hope your ok. Enjoy your break and stay happy 😊

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Feb 4·edited Feb 4Liked by Julie Dee

I’ll never look at snowdrops the same way after reading this. Beautiful 💚

Hope the break is refreshing and restorative xxx

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Feb 4Liked by Julie Dee

Have a well deserved break, be kind to yourself x and we will still be here when you come back :)

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Feb 4Liked by Julie Dee

Beautifully written. Thank you for sharing it before your break. I enjoyed it very much. I hope you get some rest, relaxation, and reinvigoration while you are away.

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Feb 4Liked by Julie Dee

Sending you ❤️ Julie..

Holding onto “spring is on the way”

Look out for your return x

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I think we all struggle to write sometimes. And then unexpectedly we become inspired. Here’s hoping that you have a lot of inspiration in 2024.

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Feb 4Liked by Julie Dee

We all need a break. ❤

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Feb 4Liked by Julie Dee

I hope you're OK and that you are back soon, refreshed and raring to go. Look after yourself xxx

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Hope everything is OK Julie, take some well-deserved rest and come back stronger 💜 xx

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Beautiful, thank you! I’m sorry to her about your struggles. Il keep you in my thoughts and prayers 🙏✨🙏

Thank you for the Snowdrops, they are so fanciful and. I love the poem! 🤗✨🤍

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Thanks you so much for all the warm comments. They have all meant so much to me. I really appreciate you all.

It came to me when I looked at my newsletter picture that I actually look like a snowdrop on it, don’t I? Green and white😂😂😂😂

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