I sometimes wonder what it would be like to have been the person who lets the ‘forces wash straight over me’. To have been oblivious to the motivations of others who impact our lives so negatively. Would life have been easier if I had just gone along with it all? Thought provoking poem Julie.
Yeah it’s a double edged sword as the saying goes. So often I wish I could be castrated of emotion but of course that would mean I also would not feel the many highs. Maybe castrating my conscience would be better. Not having any feeling of moral obligation. What a life that would be😂
Love these. You write with such agency. You have stuff that needs saying and doing and the universe had better bloody well take notice. Obviously, that comes through in your prose too but your poems hint at whole other realms that need some light shining on them.
I sometimes wonder what it would be like to have been the person who lets the ‘forces wash straight over me’. To have been oblivious to the motivations of others who impact our lives so negatively. Would life have been easier if I had just gone along with it all? Thought provoking poem Julie.
Yeah it’s a double edged sword as the saying goes. So often I wish I could be castrated of emotion but of course that would mean I also would not feel the many highs. Maybe castrating my conscience would be better. Not having any feeling of moral obligation. What a life that would be😂
Love these. You write with such agency. You have stuff that needs saying and doing and the universe had better bloody well take notice. Obviously, that comes through in your prose too but your poems hint at whole other realms that need some light shining on them.
Thanks Christian. When I wrote these I was going through the cycle of emerging from brooding and giving myself a bloody good shake.
Love these. Especially enjoy you reading them out Julie. Adds to the feeling and emotion for me.
Thanks. If I try and read too many I stay fluffing it and messing them up. Can only ever do a few in one sitting.
Love them! Love the ambient thought provocative pics too!