16 hrs agoLiked by Julie Dee

And of course, if someone actually manages to force their way through the bureaucracy and achieves some compensation then it comes from taxpayers not Big Harma who made quite sure they could never be held culpable. That surely should have been a massive red flag when making those choices.

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Yes I forgot that bit but you’re quite right. Shocking especially considering the profits made.

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16 hrs agoLiked by Julie Dee

I work with people who have healthy family members suddenly having heart attacks or being diagnosed with ‘genetic’ diabetes … none of them have stopped to even remotely consider that they may have done something to hurry their health issue along :( . I agree with you while compensation and access to it is important, preventing the need for it in the first place would be better.

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If it were a food they’d have taken it off the shelves. Just shows you how much power they wield.

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15 hrs agoLiked by Julie Dee

The phrase 'side effects ' is a deliberate misnomer. It immediately makes any adverse effects sound trivial and unimportant.

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That’s sort of why I compared it to a side order in a restaurant. Yes it’s a good point - the way ‘jab’ also trivialises a vaccination or an experimental gene therapy.

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Spot on again, lovely Julie. White dog shit. I remember the time when it was everywhere.

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And now it’s bullshit everywhere eh? The MSM variety….

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Unfortunately the people who should read this will probably never see it. They're the people who still think getting jabbed is a good idea.

A pity 'cos the article is brilliant.

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Thank you. Things change very slowly and it feels like everytime people start to ‘get it’, progress is hampered by attempts to hijack it (Ie greater censorship).

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12 hrs agoLiked by Julie Dee

I think the Covid “vaccine” damage so far reported is only just the tip of the iceberg as there are more and more peer reviewed papers (the only ones accepted) coming out saying how much long term damage is being discovered, eg neurologically and to people’s DNA.

Still can’t get my head round the fact people so readily got injected with a fast tracked experimental drug which was not a conventional vaccine, my husband included. All common sense, experience and rationality went out of the window. All the info about the mRNA drug was online. It had been refused a licence for years yet suddenly (in my view partly to get us out of lockdowns) it was allowed under an emergency licence?! The NHS are still offering this terrible injection to people now…I presume still without the necessary warnings…unbelievable😡

Despite all the awful damage done, maybe something good will come out of it as big Pharma have at last been exposed and a light shone on their sharp practices. Medical professionals too!

People with pets please also rethink getting continual boosters for your pets. This is unnecessary as the initial puppy vaccines should cover them for their lifetime. Too many animals are getting cancers and diseases they wouldn’t have had before.

If in any doubt, follow the money and check who’s making it!

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You make some great points. Yes the pets thing is tricky because most (all?) kennels and catteries hold it over people that they have to have their animals vaccinated to access them. Industry protects industry.

Yes the ‘died suddenly’s is off the scale now, especially among fit athletes.

People are questioning jabs a lot more but I believe censorship will increase to counteract this, sadly.

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There is a lot of bullying and corralling that goes on when it comes to health care. People need to be presented with all available info and their decisions respected when it comes to their own care. That is not the way it works, unfortunately. Every life damaged or lost is a tragedy, and I think that is glossed over for some notion of the greater good. No comfort if it's you, or someone you love who has suffered. Thank you for this one Julie.

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Yes, I’m all about choice.

I think as with masks, people have to decide for themselves.

But how can people make informed choices when the industry is so biased and dominant? So awash with incentive and cover ups? When information is censored? When those who speak out are vilified or hushed up?

You’ve only got to look at the number of jabs offered to young babies now compared to 40 years ago. It’s like a cocktail party. That can’t be right.

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Yes health is wealth l know that l learned not to trust anyone a very wise doctor told me not, to many years ago l don't play the lottery, money can't buy me a healthy body mind or spirit.l am grateful for the time l have spent on this earth.l use it wisely.lf l can go to bed with a clear conscience l am happy.♥️🙏🕊️.

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Absolutely. Take good care of yourself xx

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Thanks Julie for your kindness ♥️x

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It is indeed a clown world, the problem is, we laugh at clowns, in this scenario the clowns are laughing at us.

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I use clownworld way too often but it just sums it up really.

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