Oh Julie this is so right it hurts to read it. What has our country become? Lemmings running for the edge of that bloody cliff without an autonomous thought. Despair is the bed we lie in. 😔

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Sep 17Liked by Julie Dee

It’s been going on for years. It’s been over 9 years since the Jimmy Saville case became news and so many others (before and since) who were part of a privileged set that our two tier justice system allowed to continue their terrible crimes partially hidden but not completely hidden.

We all subconsciously knew it was a two tier system but our fear prevented us facing it and saying no. We went along because of fear for ourselves and buried the knowing deep in our subconscious. When it wasn’t in the public domain we didn’t have to face it and acknowledge it.

Greatly articulated Julie so we can all grasp with full consciousness the two tier system in all its awfulness. You’re providing a great service to the collective.

Before it would never have come up to be shared so publicly. Now it is I do believe it’s coming up for us all to collectively acknowledge and be fully conscious of it and face our fears by saying no and giving it no more energy. This is a system that’s fundamentally flawed and now we are all conscious of it we can watch it fall (as fall it most definitely must) and we can then change it consciously for something that serves all the people of the world and creates a better society. It’s what we all deserve and will work to establish, having become conscious of our responsibility to ensure this never happens again and to be fully conscious and In control of what we allow to be created in our name. And Hallelujah to that day!

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I suppose although sex offenders have been getting away with stuff for ages, the new thing to me is the speech crimes they contrast with. That is what really for me holds it up to the light as the nonsense it is.

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Sep 17Liked by Julie Dee

Exactly, because when it didn’t affect us or we thought we could avoid it, we ignored the injustice of it. But speech control affects all and I do believe there are very good people battling away to bring it out into public consciousness so we cannot avoid seeing it and being affected by it. Because if we think we can avoid it, because it won’t affect us, it’s human nature to do just that and take no responsibility for it. However this attitude creates an awful world and society where we can all blame “Them” or “They” and leave our responsibility on the table or deep in our subconscious.

Only now it’s affecting all of us do we have no choice but to face it and acknowledge it in all its awfulness. Therefore we also have no choice but to take our responsibility and power back from those to whom we have given it to and to make sure we never give our power away without full consciousness of what it’s being used for.

If the good people of the world just fixed it there were still be a level of looking the other way, victimhood and limited responsibility and leaving the blame with “Them” or “They”.

I can’t see another way that the world could be changed so completely as to make us all accountable and conscious of what we create or allow to be created in our name. We also have to take responsibility for our own part in the world we have helped to create. It’s moving us out of our comfort zone as there we each wouldn’t have the “push” to take our accountability back.

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Sep 17Liked by Julie Dee

I agree with Trudi! The Lemmings are running.

Don't follow the herd.

America, Europe, the Mid East, wars, atrocities, crimes against humanity.. all over the place... the destruction of Nature ...

This level of insanity maybe necessary for human kind to wake up.


It almost seems like a sorting out.. too many Dodos at work and in charge world wide it seems.

We all know what Nature does if one kind gets too much or is too stupid... we have been warned.

Greed, ignorance and arrogance always come before the fall.

Just look at the Nazis, Romans, Mayans, Egyptians.. this time it is global.

Human kind, once again fell prey to the wolfs.

We have been here.

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I’m ready for the amoebas and slugs to take over. They’d do a better job, frankly.

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Sep 17Liked by Julie Dee

👍😂 anything but these mindless and corrupted creatures!!

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Sep 17Liked by Julie Dee

Brilliant and thought thinking as always. 👏👏

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Thank you. Needs bloody well saying. Shouting from the roof tops! (Whilst we still can)

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18 hrs agoLiked by Julie Dee

I find myself agreeing with every word you said, it is a blatant cliff edge with lemings queuing up with a paid-for ticket to jump. Wtf are we witnessing it is like so many people are failing to be able to think for themselves. I don't get exacerbated by the nonsense we are witnessing, and feel I should be more outraged than I remember this clown world pantomime has an aim to permanently enrage, put in fear or seek unquestioning consent from its flock. I like that you have a coherent and eloquent view of reality as it is, it puts a lot into true perspective and reminds me that I am not insane for also recognising what you have written about. Thank you ;)

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Thank you. Yes I think the contrast of the sentences really highlights the double standards at the moment so more people can see it clearly for what it is.

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I used to say "Not my circus, not my clowns" but it is my circus, and the clowns aren't funny anymore.

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Thank you for speaking out, Julie.

I can’t stop thinking about that lady - a carer for her husband with no criminal record - who is now serving 15 months for a Facebook post she deleted.

What she said was absolutely horrible, of course. But the judge’s sentence was out of all proportion to it. What strikes me is that in the judge’s sentencing statement, I got the impression that he was being strong-armed by the government to treat her in such a draconian way. I feel he wanted to give her a lighter sentence.

Her sentencing had had the desired effect from those in the government who likely strong-armed the judge - it has sent cascades of fear and paranoia through the country.

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She’s one of many sadly. Many sentences have yet to be passed. Stomach churning that angry keyboard warriors can out sentence pedos.

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Sep 17Liked by Julie Dee

Yes we are under control l am glad l didn't invite Keith in all part of the plan .We are living in 1984 only we couldn't write it but you can feel it happening.Have a good day Julie Thanks 🕊️♥️ x

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Yes, thought crimes grow a little more like a chilling reality every day.

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Sep 17Liked by Julie Dee

Great work Julie. Autonomy. I use that word a lot these days. People bang on about wanting our freedom back. We were never free. We were always constrained within certain societal confines but we did have a significant degree of autonomy within that. It’s what I want for my grandchildren but fear they may be deprived of if folks don’t grow a pair and offer some kind of firm but rational response to the evil we find ourselves facing.

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The ‘safety’ culture of course feeds right into it too. I used to have something on my Twitter bio that said “A day free range over the life as a battery hen” because I truly believe it.

We have to shrug off these chains or at least undo a few links.

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Sep 17Liked by Julie Dee

Brilliant Julie!! xxx

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Agreed 💯! Ireland is even worse! 🤬

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Is it? Sadly I can believe it….

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Sep 17Liked by Julie Dee

I hope you speak for most of us, you certainly speak for me!

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We know who the dangerous people are. The doers, not the sayers.

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Something is seriously wrong, but the scary thing is that it seems so by design. The complete inversion of common sense and decency that creates cognitive dissonance. It’s Orwellian and they want it that way - they frighten, confuse and overwhelm us into non-action, or they goad us into taking wrong actions that harm ourselves or our communities. Either way, they win. It needs many more of us to stop playing their game altogether.

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‘Seems’ or ‘is’? I know what my money’s on. I hope that the more bizarre things grow, the more it might shake people but all it seems to have created is indifference.

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Sep 17Liked by Julie Dee

Yeah, is. Me and my fence sitting language!

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