Jun 23Liked by Julie Dee

This is funny AF but also very poignant. Like a dystopian piece of science fiction where you’re the only sane thing in an insane world - although the only sane response is to surrender to it enough to maintain your sanity. I’ve only been there once. I suppose it must be marginally better than a holiday camp that doesn’t have as many trees?

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I tried to get son to try the one in Cumbria instead. Something slightly different at least…..No….had to be that one.

It’s a longish post but making two out of it seemed even more wrong somehow 🤷‍♀️😂

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Sorry Julie wrong comment! Meant to say Sooo funny!

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Aww bless. Glad you enjoyed it. Keep seeing the funny side hey? :)

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What a beautiful place to visit, thank you for sharing this Julie, I feel like I went along with you on your “break”. 🤗 and the birds? That whole avian bird thing. I love all the photos, and it sounds like a great place for a bike ride! 🚴‍♀️🚴🚴‍♂️♥️

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Jun 24Liked by Julie Dee

I really enjoyed this because I've never been and I've wondered what it's like. Sounds like all holidays - there are always advantages and disadvantages and I'm glad you got something out of it yourself as well as your son loving it. Very different from Galapagos! You make it sound a bit like that film Westworld, what with the robot serving you and some of the rules. I've got some friends who take lots of holidays and they go to CP sometimes because they like the activities. Really interesting to get your take on this. They've been going a long time now so they must be doing ok.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Author

Thank you.

Yes, there are lots of activities although it can get pricey. Son and I went roller skating too.

It’s okay. The accommodation is nice and always very clean. All the staff were lovely.

Wouldn’t want to go in there school holidays though. We risked the fine!

Yes not Galápagos but this was for him (and my mum). Their holiday.

I told him he could choose anywhere…..and that’s what he chose.

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Jun 24Liked by Julie Dee

It sounds like he really loves it. Must be marvellous for him to have all those fun things to do. Yes, I can imagine it’s expensive. They are obviously catering to a very wide variety of needs and that’s not easy.

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£4.50 for a ‘regular’ glass of Coke!!!! Outrageous!

Yes he did love it - amusements, playgrounds….. And one of the restaurants had giant screens with the football on, too. I can definitely see why children really like it.

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We were there earlier this year too, we take the whole family and they love it. We stay in the same chalet every time too, but we don’t do too many activities and eat out only once because it’s so expensive, £7.50 for a pint.

I don’t like the no cash either, the little ones save up their pocket money and then can’t spend it but I did get a free frapachino because their systems were down.

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Yes they did refund my high ropes money for my son with no fuss when he decided not to do it.

I suppose it’s just not MY idea of the perfect holiday but family holidays are all about compromise anyway (much like family life). I had my own wonderful trip earlier in the year.

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Jun 25Liked by Julie Dee

Loving your adventurous outlook (or trying to be) in Center Parcs. I don’t think I could put up with this type of “break” so well done to you for doing it for your family.

I once had a holiday as a young married woman (with my in-laws in tow) at the Jersey Holiday Village. I realised then this was not my type of thing, being herded around and dining with so many others, school canteen style, and there was these two in house “comedians” every night who welcomed us into dinner with the same song “welcome to the Jersey Holiday Village” 🎶🎶. I was even singing it in my sleep! It also rained for the whole 10 days …in Jersey!

This holiday scarred me for life and we all laughed about it…eventually, but no more holidays at organised “camps” ever!

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I hear you! I think holidays are quite personal like music. You like what you like. Oh I’ve always wanted to visit Jersey.

Camps - I’ve been to Butlins too. Very different kettle of fish to Center parcs. I loved it when I was a kid but son found it way too loud.

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Jersey was lovely and is beautiful when sunny which my in-laws who had been the previous year (10 days of sunshine), assured me. They felt guilty obviously because it rained all the time we were there 🫤

Word of warning, the island is very small (and expensive) and I’m afraid to say it, it would be enough to see it all on the dreaded “short break” 😉..

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Jun 24Liked by Julie Dee

Damnit, I can’t find the story written by the author about her Mother and of course, I can’t remember her name. I am rude like that. Substack is so huge, only now am I realizing its extensive users. Not even sure how this place decides who’s who, who stays and who doesn’t. I am sure no one is depending upon my 2 cents, who I follow, etc. Perhaps I should hit that red Follow button more? Or less? Your friend needed to live longer, I am sure of that.

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If I’m meant to come across it I will do, hey? Laws of the universe and all that :)

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Jun 24Liked by Julie Dee

Brilliant read. I've never "got" spas either. Always seemed over priced and a bit pointless - charging you for lying around doing nothing while they pipe in lift music :)

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Aww glad you enjoyed. Yeah I think that is the third time I’ve ever been to one in my life. Action and adrenaline is more my thing. Give me a high ropes course, sky dive, or snorkel with the sharks any day.

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Jun 24Liked by Julie Dee

Same here. I just get restless and bored lounging around :)

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Your holiday stories are great your boy must love all the activities at Center Park.Its great to cycle, and see all the different birds . Nature is beautiful 🕊️👏🌍⛅ , it's good to have a change of scenery.Love your stories ,a lot of humour in them.Thanks.

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Aww thanks. Humour is our best defence against the bullshit of the world I think.

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Loved it! So much to consider on holiday!

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There certainly is.

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Thank you. I am possibly the only one that read nothing humorous. Reality is sadness for me these days. Thank you for revealing the reality of this place.

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I try and see the funny side when I can and it’s nice when others share in that with me…..however as you point out, reality can sometimes be deeply depressing.

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Jun 24Liked by Julie Dee

Take care my friend from far away and please know you will never regret caring for your family so selflessly. Your love for those closest was heartwarming for me to know. I regret more than anything not making moments like these for my Mother. Have you read here about the Mother who died on June 4th. It was so beautiful, it too, broke my heart.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Author

Not sure I did but feel free to add a link. Certainly a friend of mine died this month too. Lost to cancer. Just 43 with 2 children and I wrote about her here.


We must appreciate those we have whilst we have them, even though sometimes it can be difficult. ❤️

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