Beautifully put, Dee

self censorship kills authentic expression/discussion as does peer review.

Imagine scientists / medicos rushing to dissent from the establishment’s narrative, nah I can’t either

Hence it’s our job / ordinary people to push the narrative / drive discussion and Substack is facilitating it by attracting great readers and writers.

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Yes it’s been refreshing on substack not to encounter the restrictions to free speech so common in traditional social media right now. This is why I hate the labels so often doled out. They further divide. We all need to work together.

That doesn’t mean compromising your position. It just means keeping an open mind and open ears, always.

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Jul 23Liked by Julie Dee

Congratulations on 2 year's of good honest posts. I use to follow you on Twitter. I came of there 2 years ago. Came to substack. Although I dont write anything. I like to read some of the people I used to follow here now. I saw you once at one of the marches in London. I always remember you had a beautiful flowered dress on. Didn't get to talk to you. Wished I had. I like your soul. Keep on keeping on as they say. X

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Aww I wish you’d had come had a chat too. I’m in London today with a flowery dress on too, but sadly for my friend’s funeral. Louise whom I wrote about.xx

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Jul 23Liked by Julie Dee

Sad day. But remembering a friend is a beautiful thing. My husband's funeral afew weeks ago was a beautiful tribute to a wonderful man. Hope your friend gets that too. Much love.x

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Wow, Debbie, that must have been an intense day but as you say, these things should be about beautiful tribute rather than loss. Love to you xx

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Congratulations to one of my favorite Substacker’s ❤️

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Bless you lovely.❤️

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+1 for the 'half wank'. Provoked a Northern belly-laugh here. Loved your recent piece on Manchester. I used to walk around looking at all the fantastic old buildings, trying to imagine the life they were full of back in the day.

Love reading your pieces - thank you

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Aww cheers. Gotta half a laugh eh ,or what’s it all about?

Re Manchester - maybe you mean my substack note and pics about visiting The John Rylands library? Unless you’ve got me mixed up with some other Northern bird 😂😂

I’m from Rochdale (live in Hebden Bridge now) but growing up, Manchester was always *the big city* for me. Saturday shopping in The Corn Exchange and Affleck’s Palace (not calling it ‘Affleck’s’ - it ain’t Ben’s gaff 😂) and nights out at Rock World on a Friday (was a glam metal girl back in the day). So many fond memories of it and every time I return I find something new I like.

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A Rochdale lass. Nice one.

Yes it was the Rylands article.

I worked in Smithfield Market for 15 years so 'town' was where we went at lunchtime for a pint or two of the Cream of Manchester. And then i spent a year half-attending college there.

If I ever return from exile, I shall spend time searching out old haunts there.

Have a lovely day

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Ah that’s class! You’re class!!

I’ve just found you here and you’re literally my favourite Substacker! 😅

You inspire me to write more and give more time to this thang.

I’m here about a year from a friend’s recommendation too and you make it much more fun!

So, happy 2 yr anniversary and thanks for sharing! 😍x

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Author

❤️I am late to writing myself, only really discovered it was something I was okay/good at because of a friend.

Keep going. 🔥 Keep challenging yourself and growing. And have a damn good laugh whilst you’re doing it too xx

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Happy Substack anniversary to a fellow Northern soul. Love your work, Julie. The grit, the wit and the whimsical. ❤️✨

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That is wonderful to hear, my friend. Pleased to have connected with you, lovely. Keep spreading your ‘Sparks of light’ - they start fires 🔥

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Will do 😘

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That's nice words Julie 🦋🐦 🕊️.You always keep me going with your wit and wisdom l am glad l found substack .l am not so lonely now . Happy Anniversary Julie your a tonic for the spirit.👏🎵⛅😊🐕😻.

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Thank you Mary. That’s a lovely thing to say. It’s wonderful to have connected with you on here xx

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I love you Julie and it was you who introduced me to Substack!!! 🥰

I love it here although I'm not very consistent with it. It's nice to know I can just post whenever I get the pull!

I love this bit "What a frustrating half wank that is!" 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Spat my brew out!!!!

But you're right. Loads of times I've been enjoying a read and then it abruptly stops like a stick up and I have to hand over my money! Not happening. Soz. 😂😂😂 xx

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😂😂 yeah just be upfront. No-one wants a half wank do they? Be it literally or figuratively 😂😂

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Definitely not!!! 😂😂😂😂

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Aug 3Liked by Julie Dee

I've just found you. Hurrah! I love your congruence ❤️

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I flit. From peace out to losing my shit. On a fairly regular basis. Just warning you😬😂

Lovely to know you xx

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Aug 3Liked by Julie Dee

Oh, we are SO alike. 😂 x

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Aug 3·edited Aug 3Liked by Julie Dee

Love a person who thinks about a thing! I'm liking your clarity. I'm working on my voice here and taking lessons! Write on, Julie Dee!

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Jul 26Liked by Julie Dee

Beautiful picture. Love your work here! 😊

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Thank you.I appreciate that. It’s lovely to connect on here x

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I absolutely love this! You do great work here... ☺️

And allow me to further compliment you by saying you are NOTHING like 'The Guardian' 😉

Congrats on the milestone!

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Yes I was joking with The Guardian -although I don’t mind some of their stuff, am just wary of some of the dodgy folk like Gates who part funding and therefore just surely help call the tune.

Appreciate your support 😊

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Congratulations, Julie! 👏👏

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Thank you :)

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Jul 23Liked by Julie Dee

You're one of the few emails I don't delete and look forward to reading!

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Aww bless you, that’s a kind thing to say Gill. I feel grateful to have your support.

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Jul 23Liked by Julie Dee

Your writing is an absolute joy and an inspiration to me. Happy to know that you exist. Keep substacking.

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Thank you so much for all your encouragement and well articulated observations and angles. I appreciate your support very much, Christian.

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Jul 23Liked by Julie Dee

Congratulations on your anniversary! I still think it's high time you produced a coffee table book of all your fantastic work 😘

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Aww thank you Karen. I’ll get there. You’ve been there from the start and I’m very grateful to have met you too. Had such a laugh with you that afternoon and a lovely warm chat, I remember it well xx

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