
People always say if you vote at least you can be satisfied you tried.

But they do not realise there is a greater satisfaction in seeing the circus play out knowing you played no part in it whatsoever.

That you did not contribute to the ongoing mess, showed it no grace.

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"You take the blue pill... the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill... you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes" – Morpheus

Not looking forward to November here in the U.S. 🙃🔥

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You think people ‘get it’ only to realise they don’t. I guess we’re all on our own journey. *sigh*


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We are on our own journey. I have very close family that is living on another planet. Everything that is happening “is not happening.” It’s weird - but we are to be affected on our own for ourselves. That’s the only impact that will stick. Growth.

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Yes. Being the example of the change you want to see in the world is in my opinion far better than trying to change a mind.

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100%. It’s far more powerful. You just have to keep standing strong in the storm. You have to stand firm and know that with truth nothing is impossible.

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Thanks Julie!! This is great. As an ICU nurse who worked through the pandemic I have a lot of complicated and mixed feelings about my country and the government. In my 48 years I have voted both ways and I’ll be “throwing my vote away” this year whatever the hell that means.

It’s really time to do better and think outside the box. I love your cinema analogy. It’s spot on. I always say 2020 was the year that gave me perfect vision.

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Yes. I was always a floating voter. These days I’m happy to be a floating turd, blocking up their system and causing a stink.

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Jun 25Liked by Julie Dee

Definitely perfect vision from 2020 for me too. Although I previously queried 9/11 and the Las Vegas shooting but I was regarded by most people as a crackpot. Did I care about being labelled in this way? Not one bit, water off a duck’s back, as they say.

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.. what did you query re Las Vegas Shooting ?

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Thomas, just for starters, many people saw a second shooter on the 4th floor of the Mandalay Bay, a taxi driver even took a video from her car of this man firing his weapon, all date stamped. Firearms specialists that know far more than me said it was impossible that there was only one shooter. The video of the shooter that we all saw on tv took trolley loads of arms to his suite but no one at the Mandalay Bay questioned why a lone guy would have so many trunks of luggage. The cameras were also out of action on just that one floor. The people (part of the crowd and workers at the Mandalay Bay) who came forward to testify with a different story to the official narrative all died under suspicious circumstances or simply disappeared before they could testify.

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.. had no idea there was conspiracy re the Las Vegas Mass Shooter.. & as a ‘student of Forensic ‘tracking - & especially Psychopathic Homicide involving Rifles.. Are you intrigued or knowledgeable as well ? The relative details & backtrail are well studied, verified & public ..

The secondary conspiracy re people dying or disappearing is nonsense.. Voting Records alone not to mention Banking, Phone, Medical & other ‘Personal Data .. defy this

Why not consider ‘Qui Bono ?

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Jun 25Liked by Julie Dee

I can’t believe how many people still think anyone running is telling the truth or making promises they will deliver on!

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I know. It’s a proper face palm moment isn’t it? People you thought knew better being dazzled. *Sigh*🤷‍♀️🙄

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Jun 25Liked by Julie Dee

Totally !

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Jun 25Liked by Julie Dee

Morning Julie. Sort of sums up the current shitshow really!

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Yeah the current shitshow that’s a continuation of the old one…..🤷‍♀️🙄

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Brilliant, Julie.

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Jun 25Liked by Julie Dee

Soooooo many people just running back to the comforts of the abbatoir 🤦🏻‍♂️ nicely written Julie 👌🏻

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It’s disappointing but rather than learn to swim, people continue to look for rafts….

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Jun 25Liked by Julie Dee

I don't get disappointed by other people anymore, that ship has long sailed. 😊🙌🏻

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Jun 25Liked by Julie Dee

💯- I’ve definitely seen this movie before.

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The fucking Matrix.

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Jun 25Liked by Julie Dee

…Reloaded 🤣

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Jun 25Liked by Julie Dee

I’m the sort of person than questions everything so the Covid scam didn’t sit right with me from the beginning. Our government is corrupt but people want something to cling to and Reform has marched to the forefront. I get it, the shit show of 4 years has worn us all down and we need a glimmer of hope. Farage for sure has one foot in the establishment and is out for himself but who else is there🤷‍♀️ We either vote Reform, stay at home or write obscenities on the ballot paper. What a choice folks🤦🏼‍♀️

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People do want hope to cling to. You’re right.

But like Mariah said;

“When you feel like hope is gone

Look inside you and be strong

And you'll finally see the truth

That a hero lies in you”

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by Julie Dee

every day my brain was like, whaaat? No reruns for me!

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Some people have minds like goldfish don’t they? It’s painful to watch.

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Jun 26Liked by Julie Dee

Done quite well this year not to even hear of what the feckers are doing.. 🤣

Loving the “two cheeks one arse” saying

Hope your well x

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Yeah create your own world, away from all the bullshit. The best way my friend. Xx

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Jun 25Liked by Julie Dee

Excellent analogy. I’m just wandering past the poster on the outside of the cinema and thinking no way am I going to watch that tripe again!

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Yeah, a psychological thriller…..without the thrill😂😂

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There is no satisfaction in trying to help rich people who dictate your life to to you.Vote ,give them your life ,no thanks.I was with the suffragets and always voted, because of their idealism it's only money that speaks loud and clear.Thats reality the movies finished.Live and enjoy your day .Have a good day Julie 🦋.

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We all have to do what speaks to our heart and gut feeling don’t we?

I used to vote too, always did up til 2020.

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Jun 25Liked by Julie Dee

You’re on the nail as usual Julie. Twitter is an even more extraordinary place right now because of this. I’m bewildered by it frankly and have chosen to sit on the sidelines on this one because I cannot put an iota of energy of faith into any politicians. On the basis that these platforms are manipulated and people know this, none of the furore makes sense to me. It must be desperation. I guess I can understand that to a certain extent.

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I think it’s a hope thing.

People want it, need it.

Then there’s the ‘sock it to the system’ camp. Those who feel a need to ‘show the man’. 🤷‍♀️🙄

……and breathe, Janette.

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Jun 25Liked by Julie Dee

☺️ and in other news. Julian Assange is almost free I hear. That’s good. Interesting timing.

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Yes, I read that too.

Weird old times eh?

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Hooray for Julian … the shit show is over for him 🙏🏼🙌

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No matter who we vote for we get a politician.

Neil Oliver described it better than me.


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Indeed Steve

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What a clever and succinct summation of the shit show of ‘global’ politics. Thank you 🙏

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