The intensity of Half term coupled with the overwhelm of trying to find (with bugger all help) a high school for my son, mean I’m finding it difficult at the moment.

How the moments add up.

How I find myself saying it so often.

Then that makes me sad. To map mothering in that way- when other parents talk of lovely things so often.

And I see my friends, buy shit.

Painkiller my way forward.

There are nice bits.

I remind myself I’m doing my best and I guess that’s all any of us can do isn’t it?

Try. Hang in there. Keep going.

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It is Julie, it really is. I know holidays are difficult for you at times and I’m sorry the school issue is such a struggle. Seems a bit of a post code lottery. You just have to hang in there and hang on to the precious moments. Now that the blue bird has changed hands there seems to be an amnesty in the air. Would you come back? You are missed. I know it’s not cool to like it on Truth but we miss your input.

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Musk sent a tweet yesterday saying they haven’t yet made any change to bans and stuff and are setting up a moderation council or something. Certainly I would come back if my old account was restored and there were assurances of no future bullshit.

I’m sort of watching with interest. I won’t come back undercover or watered down. I’ll be me or nothing.

I miss it too.

Re school- yes I’m just stressed at the moment because the one I wanted fell through- another child got the place first. Once I feel okay what’s going on there, it will give me more headspace. Not knowing is daunting.

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Oh I’m sorry to hear that. I hope something gets sorted soon.

Yes I fully understand you’re not interested in a covert return. Watching with interest indeed. Probably just one giant publicity stunt anyway. How can anyone trust any of these creatures nowadays? Katie Hopkins suddenly appeared back yesterday. Still waiting to see if that was real or not.

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Oct 30, 2022
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If it was my original account restored all above board and there were assurances no no future BS then yes. What I’m not prepared to do is chance a new one not knowing how the land lies, water myself down or go undercover. I’m me or not. I think it has psychological effects on others seeing accounts appear then be taken down again. It’s very disheartening.

Don’t trust Musk one bit. False prophet.

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Oct 30, 2022
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It’s because he has additional needs. LA’s don’t have enough of their own specialist schools (not just generic special schools) and they don’t want to fund the independent ones cause they cost a fortune, so they do everything they can to try and deny their needs to avoid paying, turning it into a battle.

Believe me I wish it was the situation most people have in my area which is between two neighbouring towns High schools and the grammar schools. I really don’t want to complicate our lives.

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Oct 29, 2022
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I’ve just sent emails to 26 different schools. Having some time for me now.

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