The middle stair.
You slow down, you sigh.
You’ve walked up so many stairs already.
You see so many more ahead.
You’re tired, don’t want to go on.
Maybe others obstruct your path.
Ah….the middle stair!
Perhaps it’s slightly wider.
A little resting place.
I’ll just……hover, can’t hurt to maybe sit down…..get myself together…..gather my thoughts.
You tell yourself you’re recovering, having a little break, switching off from the noise.
Oh….so much noise!
You convince yourself you’re treating yourself kindly, looking after yourself, ‘healing’.
But, here’s the thing……..
Comfort so easily becomes discomfort.
Resting so easily becomes resignation.
Apathy is not your ally.
‘Not trying’ is actually harder than trying because you are fighting your natural state of growth and transcending.
If you’ve ever ‘not tried’, you’ll know what a wallowing place it is. It’s not a place of wellness.
You were made to move, challenge, further yourself. Every plant extends, pushes against…
And when it doesn’t…… withers, becomes root bound.
And the withering stage is more painful than the death.
The middle stair is a trap.
A shit place to be.
Don’t spend too long there.
Keep moving.
Never backwards.
Elevate yourself and in the process, notice how you raise the vibration of all those around you.
Always onwards, always upwards.
I write most of these things primarily for myself. A reminder not to take too much time digesting, idling.
Otherwise….’bungalow knee’ innit 😂
Loved this. 😊
Although I am the laziest person in the world and while I agree that we atrophy without action, I still cannot be arsed way too much.