‘Pick a side’
It’s a game that’s gotten more popular over the last few years. You may have played it yourself.
Something comes up,
You are encouraged to ‘pick a side’.
So you do.
And in the process you narrow your social group a little, trim off the excess fat.
And for a while it feels good.
“My people! My crowd!”
But then you get asked again.
About a different issue.
“Pick a side”
There it goes again.
And the more often you get asked to ‘pick a side’, the smaller your ‘side’ becomes.
The next thing comes up.
Then the next, then the next.
Because you can’t possibly agree on everything, can you? That’s not human nature.
So maybe, just maybe, there’s another game many of us aren’t even aware we’re playing.
Maybe, WE are the ones being played and fragmentation is the desired goal.
Perhaps the longer ‘game’ is about division. Smashing communities, families and friendship groups into shards of hatred. Literal splinter groups.
Well, I refuse to play that game.
I no longer ‘pick sides’.
And if people don’t think I’m on ‘the same side’, that’s THEIR problem.
Not mine.
Pick a side?
I choose humanity, every time.
I know. Maybe I’ve been over posting last few days. Just feel I have so much to say.
On a waffle!
Someone unfriended me on FB, set me off on this little rant. Bollocks to em.
To any of the division pushers 😂😂😂
Agree. I've never really had a side, but now politically adrift too. Opinions. That's what we're left with now. Society is fragmenting and I do think that it suits those in power to keep us divided.